Hail D.O.G.S.
Another sensational day at Bogor Raya golf course. In fact, we'll have to watch it with these exceptional scores, or some long mistake us for a golf group!
43 cards handed in, 3 scores less than 80, and enough Stableford's over 36 to enable some great/and burn on the handicaps, especially to Andrew Waite for his 46 points. If you get 43 points, you think that that might be worth a little dog but when there's a count back and that's the 2nd-it's been a big day. Chris Burley took out runner-up, and Mark Fiorello had to go to count back to pick up lowest gross with a 78.
Many thanks to Mark Johnson for helping out on the day with the scoring and prizes.
I'm sorry for the late email this week, but Kev's been in the jungle with patchy Internet. A big welcome to many newbies this week Petra and Will Tandetzki, Rao Atif, Alif, Erik Milfors, Timo Toivonen, Miko Koskvirta and Glen Sutherland I trust you all had a great day. I think we have enough Finns in DOGS now to make a very substantial hurling team, if I hear we get any challenges I will nominate you boys immediately.
It will be our potluck pairings for the 1st time this week, we'd like to ask everyone to be at the clubhouse by 11 AM and we will draw lots for the pairings. It should be a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other and a good excuse for a solid 19th hole! I will put a little bit more detail about how will run the pairings in Fridays email, but there will be a box of balls for the pairing that gets the highest total Stableford.
Where: Klub Golf Bogor Raya
When: Saturday 7th July - Inaugural Pot Luck Pairings Day
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 850.000/person
Please reply to this email to Register
Please be at the club by 11:00AM for drawing of the Pairings!
Subsequent Rounds
Round 4 Saturday 14th July
Round 5 Saturday 21st July
Big Dog Round 6 Saturday 28th July
Nearest to the Pin Hole 3: TIMO TOIVONEN Congratulations
Nearest to the Pin Hole 17: PAUL DAUD Congratulations
Longest Drive Hole 8: ARNE TJADEN Congratulations
Longest Drive Hole 16:AMOL SINGHAL Congratulations
Drive and Pitch Hole 4: ARNE TJADEN Congratulations
Drive and Pitch Hole 10: ROB MAURER Congratulations
Putting Champion: ERIK MILFORS 29 Putts " Congratulations"
Today's Bobby Prize: DETLEF BLUMKE 8 Points "Keep going"
Most Exercise: DETLEF BLUMKE 150 Off the stick "keep going, its good for your health" Lowest Gross: MARK FIORELLO 78 Off the Stick "Well done"
Runner Up: CHRIS BURLEY 43 Points "Congratulations"
Weekly Champion: ANDREW WAITE 46 Points "Congratulations"
KD (For John and Sarah)