Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!

Well I suppose we had to have one big rain day sooner or later given the crazy weather we've had just about all year and this was the day! 41 players got off to a good start with our shotgun on time but it didn't take long before the storm interrupted proceedings for initially 1 hour. We did manage to get started again - maybe a little prematurely - but thunder and lightning prevailed and it wasn't long before the sirens sounded again. Nine holes completed was about the average although a few souls did wait and eventually were able to complete their rounds. A big welcome to newcomer Roberto Daniele and long-time-no-see Jasper Bouman who brought along Graham Garven who, although a first timer with us it seems it will also be his last time as he leaves Indonesia after many years trying to explain how the tax laws work here! - All the best for the future Graham and don't leave it so long Jasper!
As a consequence, the Little Dog stayed at home this week but all completed holes still count towards the eclectic totals. As no skill prizes were given either, we decided to hold a lucky draw to give some goodies away.
The Lucky Draw winners!

Even with the truncated scores there was still some movement at the top of the leaderboard for the Eclectic so check out the standings on our Leaderboard page or in the mygolf2u app. Still plenty of time to go - weather permitting please!
Next week Tee Set will be joining us at Riverside for their annual championship. If you have signed up for Tee Set, and paid in advance, but would like to also participate in the D.O.G.S. round please let Tee Set admin and Rod know preferably before play day. There will be no extra charge. For those not participating in Tee Set's game or have not paid Tee Set's fees in advance, everything is as normal, pay green fees, see Rod to collect your scorecard and pay game fee to Rod.
Sign up now and don't forget to let Rod know your preferred playing partners.
Where: Riverside Golf Club
When: Saturday, November 19, 2022
Tee Off: 12:15
Green Fee: 950.000 IDR. Includes cart and caddie fee
To register:
See you on the course, Rod & jb

The Rules and what it means when we play.
Courtesy of fellow Dog, Jens Roestel, R&A First Grade Umpire.
Sprinkler Head
The situation is this: Your golf ball is off the green, but close enough that you want to putt; however, directly in your putting line, between your ball and the green, is a sprinkler head embedded in the apron or fringe.
Do you get to move your golf ball, without penalty, so that you don't have to try to putt over the sprinkler head?
The short answer is no. But golf courses can introduce a local rule that provides
a possible exception.
A Sprinkler Head Is an Immovable Obstruction
When dealing with this sprinkler head scenario, the rule in question is Rule 16, which covers when free relief is available from abnormal course conditions (an immovable obstruction is one category of abnormal course condition). The sprinkler head obviously can't be moved, so many golfers believe that they should be able to move the ball.
If your ball is on top of the sprinkler head, you can move it without penalty. If it is resting up against the sprinkler head, you can move it with a free drop. If the sprinkler head affects your swing or prevents you from taking your normal stance, you can move the ball under Rule 16.
However, none of those things applies in this example. The problem is that if you putt the ball, you'll have to roll it directly over the sprinkler head because it is in the line of your putt.
Rule 16 specifically addresses that problem in this way:
"If the abnormal course condition is close enough to distract the player but does not meet any of these requirements, there is no interference under this Rule."
In other words, in order to take relief because of interference with the line of your putt, your ball must be on the green. In our example, however, the ball is off the green. Therefore, you cannot move the ball.
Your options are to go ahead and putt across the sprinkler head, or to play a chip shot in order to fly your ball over the obstruction and onto the green.
Immovable Obstruction
When a ball lies on the elevated part of an immovable obstruction, vertical distance is disregarded when estimating the nearest point of complete relief.
A - True
B – False
Correct answer A
Explanation: When a ball lies on an elevated part of an immovable obstruction, the nearest point of complete relief is, if possible, on the ground under the obstruction.

St. Andrew's Ball
There are a few tickets left for the JSAS St. Andrew's Ball.
To make a reservation please send a message to chieftain@thejavastandrewsociety.com
Tee Set joining Round 4
Tee Set has requested to hold their Annual Championship and play with us during Round 4 at Riverside. The D.O.G.S. are always happy to help other societies and support them, as such, we have agreed to share the course.
There are a few things to note:
While all registrations for the day will be done in our (D.O.G.S.) myGolf2u game, there will be 2 distinct games going on; D.O.G.S. regular Eclectic game and Tee Set's championship game. Our myGolf2u Master, Rod, will be handling the subtleties of this.
Players have the option to play in both games if they wish. See Tee Set's website or WA group to find out how to join Tee Set game.
If you wish to play D.O.G.S. only, just sign up and turn up at the course as per normal. Your 950K green fee is payable to course upon arrival and 100K game fee is collected when you pick up your scorecard from Rod.
If you have signed up for Tee Set's Championship but wish to also participate with the D.O.G.S. you must notify Tee Set administration and our committee that you are playing in the D.O.G.S. game also. There is no extra charge but it is important that this is noted as Tee Set will be passing us game fees for players who declare they want to play D.O.G.S. also.
If you have any questions you can post them to our Updates WA group, send us an email or ask anyone on the committee in person and we'll provide feedback.
WhatsApp Groups
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com