Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!,

This week the course was quite busy with a tournament in the morning and Pocksia & SMoGs playing each other at the same time as D.O.G.S. The course was well prepared allowing us to have a shotgun start on holes 10 through 14. After initially being informed we wouldn't start teeing off until 12:00 we were able to get started at 11:40, only 8 minutes late from schedule. Play got underway and was going smoothly until the rains moved in after about 5 holes. From there it was start and stop of play for the rest of the round. While many players got tired of golf after the 2nd and 3rd rain delays about half of the 42 players who turned in cards persevered and were able to complete their rounds before darkness fell.
We are missing a few scorecards and game fees from people who left early due to the rain. If you still have your scorecard please email us a copy and if you didn't pay your game fee it can be caught up at the next round.
Welcome to Runar Jansson and Matt Kenley who joined us for their first D.O.G.S. round. Thank you for coming out and we hope the rain didn't put you off and you will be back soon.

We had 3 double winners for the day; the first being Jari Antikainen who pulled off a rare feat winning both the Booby Prize and Most Exercise. Imran Harun taking a Longest Drive and Runner up. Roger Finnie won Putting Champion and Weekly Champion. As he was also playing with Pocksia the D.O.G.S. went upstairs to award Roger in front of his Pocksia mates.
Congratulations to all of our winners! As always full results are posted on our Leaderboard.
Next week we are playing Sunday so come on out and join us.
Where: Matoa Nasional Golf Course
When: Sunday, November 29, 2020
Tee Off: 11:32
Green Fee + Golf Cart: 650.000 IDR/person
As we need time to arrange groups and be prepared for the possibility of an early start we request players are at the course 1 hour early.
If you would like to join us for a round there are several ways to register:
Via our website
Email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
Sign up in mygolf2u
Deemples App
If you are going to be late or decide not to play let us know so appropriate arrangements can be made.
See you at the course,
Here are the answers to last week's short quiz.

This week's input is courtesy of Jens Roestel; we revisit Penalty Areas.
Penalty Areas (formerly known as hazards or lateral hazards)
A ball is in the penalty area, when it can be seen, found or it is 95% certain, that it is in the penalty area.
If it cannot be found in the area and it is not certain it went into the penalty area, the ball is to be treated as lost and it must be played again from the spot the last shot was made from or as close as possible to it. (Add one stroke penalty)
The rule that you can drop the ball as close as possible to the area, where the ball was lost or where it went into OB, is a rule which can be implemented by the tournament committee, but it is not a regular rule. (Add two strokes penalty, if implemented)
Areas marked red or yellow are called penalty areas.
Red marked penalty areas
If you hit your ball into this penalty area you have three options to take relief (the fourth option of dropping your ball at the other side of the hazard does not exist any more).
Hit another ball from the spot (or as close as possible) from where you hit the previous ball from (add one penalty to the one you already made, means if the previous shot was your first one, you hit your third shot now).
Draw a line in your mind from the flag/pin at the green to the red limiting line (directly drawn on the ground, road etc. or the direct line between the two red sticks nearest to the area you ball passed into the penalty area) and you can drop the ball now (from knee hight) in extension backwards of that pin to crossing point line, as far as you please. It can be dropped within 1 club length left and right from that line. Club length is defined by the longest club in your set, beside the putter.
At the point where the ball crossed the red limit line (red line: see above no. 2), the ball can be dropped within 2 club lengths outside the penalty area, but never closer to the pin.
You also can play the ball as it lies from the penalty area and you are allowed to ground the club and take away loose impediments
Yellow marked penalty areas
If you hit your ball into this penalty area you have two options.
Hit another ball from the spot (or as close as possible) you hit the previous ball from (add one penalty to the one you already made, means if the previous shot was you first one, you hit your third shot now).
Draw a line in your mind from the flag/pin at the green to the red limiting line (directly drawn on the ground, road etc. or the direct line between the two red sticks nearest to the area you ball passed into the penalty area) and you can drop the ball now (from knee hight) in extension backwards of that pin to crossing point line, as far as you please. It can be dropped within 1 club length left and right from that line. Club length is defined by the longest club in your set, beside the putter.
You also can play the ball as it lies from the penalty area and you are allowed to ground the club and take away loose impediments.
Remark: This forces the player who hits a ball onto an island green, which rolled then into the yellow marked penalty area e.g. water, to leave the Island and to hit from the area outside the penalty area, which is the extension line drawn from the pin to the crossing point or to hit from his original hitting position again.
Official procedure:
Mark the crossing point, if you take relief within 2 club length mark the maximum left and right side two club length positions and drop the ball within this triangle from knee hight. If it is not coming to a rest within this area drop it again. If after two tries it does not want to stay in the area, place the ball into the area.
Covid-19 Player Safety
Playing is the sole decision of each player. There is adequate information available publicly on Covid-19 to allow each person to form their own judgement on playing and what steps should be taken to protect oneself and playing partners.
Please look for our charity barrel after the round. Matoa tournament beneficiary will be Indonesian Street Children Organisation more commonly known as ISCO. Founded by Josef Fuchs, who played D.O.G.S. regularly in the early days, ISCO has been in existence for over 20 years helping to provide education for street children in Indonesia. Some success stories:
ISCO is active in bringing education to over 2,500 disadvantaged children in Indonesia.
ISCO guarantees a job for every sponsored child, who reaches graduation at senior high school.
This year, we have already found more than 100 jobs for them, also thanks to you, who frequently attend this popular and very inclusive weekly social gathering.
42 are presently studying in different universities.
In total, already more than 6,000 children went through our education programs.
See more about ISCO at www.iscofoundation.org