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D.O.G.S. Penultimate Round at Permata Sentul Golf Club

Writer: Djakarta Old Golf SocietyDjakarta Old Golf Society

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

Permata Sentul turned on another beautiful day for our penultimate round and Pocksia competition. As always, it was a pleasure to host our mates from Pocksia who turned up in force to bolster the numbers to a total field of 44 players for the day.

Pocksia brought 18 eager players to the course so 18 erstwhile Dogs were nominated to represent the good guys. Format was total of the 10 best Stableford scores from each group.

There were a few sore heads and sorer bodies, from the Asian Tiger’s 45 Hole Challenge the previous day, in the clubhouse enjoying the pre-game preparations when the Starter rushed to push us out at 11:30.

The course is in great condition and as we near the end of dry season every shot gave a good run for its money. The grunting and groaning off the 2 starting tees was a give away to the 45 hole stalwarts who were backing up.

Looks like the greens have settled down from the aeration they were finishing 5 weeks ago and there was pretty good scoring all around the course. At the end of the day the spoils for the D.O.G.S. Prizes were split fairly evenly between the two groups, but it was Simon Oxley who cleaned up with a Drive & Pitch, Lowest Putts (27) and the Little Dog – 78 off the stick has got to be a Good Day (not -) at the Office! A late submission by Richard Mau saw him sneak past Simon for Lowest Gross with a 77!

Everyone wants to be near Weekly Champion Simon Oxley!

Mark "Dirty" Johnson and James Bristow tied for the Lowest Net with Deemples handicap coming in at 71. Congratulations! We'll get you your hats next week gents.

As the D.O.G.S. were playing their fifth week at the course they had a bit of an advantage which was used to full measure to win the D.O.G.S.-Pocksia trophy by a score of 361 to 332. A great day was enjoyed by all; let’s do it again soon.

Kevin Dobson of the D.O.G.S. and Noel Morrow of Pocksia shaking after the competition

With a few groups late back at the clubhouse, the aprez game wind down was gathering serious momentum when the Pocksia boys and girls very kindly presented a bottle of Jameson’s to the victors, who immediately decided that sharing the booty amongst all was the way to go. So the tales got taller, the drives we remembered were 50 meters longer, and the putts even more miraculous. Great evening all around and great to mix with a like minded golfing group.

A big welcome back to Kathy Scalabre who we haven’t seen for a while.

Many Thanks to Craig Edwards and the Pocksia team for putting the competition together.

Going into our final round Amol Singhal remains in the number 1 position, where he has been since week 3. He has managed to open himself a 2+ point gap between 2nd place and is likely feeling pretty good about his chances to win another Big Dog. He better remain focused though as there are a lot of bandits chasing him who could easily make up the deficit. The money is on Laurie O'Connor, who has the most white squares left of all the players in the top 10.

With Tim Knight out with an injury the competition for the Lowest Gross is one of the tightest we've had in a long time. Axel Hertzke is currently in 1st with Mark "Dirty" Johnson a close second. However both Amol Singhal and Simon Oxley only have 3 rounds completed thus far; a good round by either of them next week could see them snatch away the title.

Next week is our final round at Permata Sentul so make sure you get out and enjoy this course, which is playing at its absolute best.

Get up off the couch, grab a friend and join us.

Where: Permata Sentul Golf & Country Club

When: Saturday, September 7, 2019

Tee Off: 12:30

Green Fee + Golf Cart: 750.000 IDR/person

Golfers are requested to be at the course one hour early to allow for arranging of groups and to take advantage of an early start should the course allow. We have had early starts on 4 of our 5 rounds so far.

Please let us know you are playing by noon Friday, September 6.

Players are encouraged to sign up via our website, from your mobile using using Deemples or by email to


Kevin & jb



The committee would like to ask everyone's help in completely filling out their scorecards before handing them in. A properly filled in scorecard makes everything run smoother.

Totals for Gross Score, Putts and Stableford should be filled in. Any scorecard without the sums done will not be eligible for the weekly prizes. If you need help just ask.

Other items that need attention

  • Penmanship, it can be difficult to decipher the hieroglyphics that pass for numbers on some of the cards we've received. Please write scores legibly.

  • Tee boxes used not checked. Please confirm the tees you are playing.

  • Bad math. Please double check you sums.

  • Signatures. Many cards are being turned in unsigned. By having someone sign your card means they have also checked everything so the items above should be covered.

D.O.G.S. in the Media

Thanks to fellow Dog Simon Reynolds Indonesia Expat has a nice article about us here.



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