Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!
While John Gustke and Dewi Wardoyo were off enjoying The Open at Royal Troon 33 players came out to test their skills once again at Jakarta Golf Club. Great weather greeted us again with the course dry and the greens fast - they're getting ready for a Indonesia PGA tournament in a couple of weeks or so.
Some new faces and some we haven't seen for a while: Welcome to Nick Choong and Rob Berling and welcome back to the Pandey Clan, Andy and Carter Cross and Colin Shanks.
Everything got off on time with the usual semi shotgun - but this week no "extras" were inserted in our midst making for a good pace of play with everyone finishing in good time.
So to the play: The skills prizes are starting to show some of our lower handicappers are getting used to this tight course with Steve Sutton taking both the Longest Drive prizes, Richard Mau and Andrew Cross the nearest to the Pin honours and Minn Tun and Don Duttlinger the Drive & Pitch prizes.
Normal service was resumed with Richard Mau showing us all, yet again, how to putt being this week's Putting Champion. Jim Schnieders had a long day as did his buddy Nick Choong taking the Booby and Most Exercise trophies home - way to go guys!
Richard Mau managed a 7 shot improvement on last week to take the Lowest Gross prize. This week Rod had to settle for the Runner Up position so that Chris Barnett could claim his first Little Dog and be this week's Champion!
It was also Dewi Williams' Birthday - so we had to have a cake of course! Happy Birthday Dewi!
Looking at the photo of those white ankles and feet I think Rod will have to rethink his sock choice!
A big congratulations to all our winners this week!
So, with 4 rounds now complete we are heading into the business end of this Eclectic Series with Jude Alexander taking the lead but there's only 0.6 separating the top 3 and only 2 points separating the top 5 - so it's still all to play for! You can check out the full results so far here. .
Congratulations to the JIL Team led by Captain Dougy which earned a hard fought victory over TeeSet in this month's Inter-league match. Special shout out to Hitoshi who gave his opponent a 10 & 8 thumping.
So, we head into the fifth and penultimate round of our series at JGC. This week our friends from POCKSIA will be joining us again. Please sign up as soon as possible and don't forget to let Rod know your preferred playing partners. Please also make sure you have confirmed that your preferred playing partners are their preferred playing partners!
Where: Jakarta Golf Club
When: Saturday, 27 July 2024
Tee Off: 12:30
Green Fee: 950.000 IDR Sharing Cart or 800.000 IDR Walking
To register:
See you all on the course.
Rod & jb
Rules Information
The trees are in play quite often at JGC and many times balls end up near roots which brings the inevitable question of whether or not relief is allowed.
Unfortunately as stated in this video, the answer is no. In case you are wondering about the local rule mentioned at the end of the video; it is not in effect at JGC.
If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
WhatsApp Groups
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com