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D.O.G.S. Final Round & End of Year Party at Pondok Cabe Golf Club

Writer: Djakarta Old Golf SocietyDjakarta Old Golf Society

Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

And so we came to that time of the year again - our final round for 2024 and our End of Year Party. This gives us the opportunity to look back over the year and celebrate another great year for the D.O.G.S.

But first, we have to finish off the final Eclectic Series of the year with still much to play for. So with 62 players and several more joining the after party, we were in for a good afternoon. The weather was threatening and we knew we would be lucky if we remained dry all afternoon.

Well, play got off a little later due to a rain delay in the morning but, with a shuffle to get us off both the front and back nine, were off not too late in hot and humid conditions - always a bad sign!

Play was steady but then the inevitable struck - rain. Some carried on through it whilst some saw the opportunity to stop for a short break and have some light refreshment! Everyone finished in reasonable time to head to the showers before the fun got underway.

So, firstly, we'll get to the day's play and a good spread of winners this week: Santi Miller and Craig Ewers - a couple pf players we don't see too often - took the Nearest to the Pin prizes and Ameesh Anand and Nic Verdenal also showed they can get close to the pin on their approach shots taking the Drive & Pitch honours. Carter Cross seems to like hole 9 as he took his second consecutive Longest Drive on that hole with the other Longest Drive going to Chris Anderson.

Even with the soft greens Claudio Ghelli had a great day with the flat stick taking the Putting Champion this week. Saowanee "Tikky" Siriwat had a long afternoon taking both the Booby and Most Exercise Trophies - early days in her golfing world.

The Italians beat the French for a change with Claudio taking the Lowest Gross this week. So, for the top honours Dewi Wardoyo not only collected her Little Dog from a couple of week's ago but this time she finished Runner Up - her handicap is defintely on the way down showing that those coaching sessions we've heard you had in the US seem to be paying off!

So that left young Carter Cross to be our final Little Dog winner of the year - well done, now you've got one to go alongside your dad's from Bogor Raya earlier in the year.

A big congratulations to all our winners this week!

So next we turn to the race for the Blue Jacket and the final Big Dog of the year. Nic Verdenal, who won this tournament last year, was in a strong position coming into this final round. However, there was still much to play for with the chasing pack and, as is so often the case, there was movement even at this late stage in the eclectic. As usual, all the top ten receive a box of golf balls with the 3rd place, Claudio, and the Runner Up, Ash, also taking the Mini Dogs home. The Lowest Gross Average over the 4 qualifying rounds was Nic Verdenal with an impressive 77.

Nic was able to hold onto his lead and put another pin on his Blue Jacket and take home his 3rd Big Dog.

As usual, all previous Blue Jacket holders joined him on stage to help celebrate.

You can check out the full results here.

A tournament is not complete without the results of our charity collections; we are happy to report that 5,675,000 IDR was collected in the Charity Barrel during our Gunung Geulis and Pondok Cabe tournaments. This will go towards the ANZA Student Sponsorship Program. Your donations will help fund the education of disadvantaged Indonesian children.

Our last order of business was awarding this year's Fritz Hainzl Memorial Trophy. The Top Dog of the year went to our one and only President, John Brown.

Roger Finnie took 2nd place and Sarah Brown third place.

This is decided by awarding points based on the number of games played during the year and where you finish in each Eclectic Series.

So, with the golf over, we turned down the lights and let the party commence. Lots of raffle prizes from our sponsors - all of whom are shown below. You can't have an event like this without our sponsors, so a big THANK YOU to all!

President John gave us a short presentation summarizing the year - in case you missed it, please check it out here - makes some interesting reading!

This event is all about your committee saying THANK YOU to all of you for your support throughout the year to help make the D.O.G.S. such a success.

More photos from the day can be found here.

Another annual event is also looming - the Capricorn Birthday Bash - what started as Rod's Birthday bash but has since grown. This year it will be held at Cengkareng Golf Club on Friday 27th December 12 noon tee off. Registration is open on myGolf2u now.

So, now we look forward to the new year - and the D.O.G.S. 20th anniversary year. We start all over again on Saturday 4th January, 2025. We've still yet to finalize where so keep a lookout on myGolf2u, the website and the WA groups for an announcement shortly.

  • Where:

  • When: Saturday, 4 January 2025

  • Tee Off:

  • Green Fee:

To register:

  • Via our website.

  • Sign up in myGolf2u

See you all on the course.

Rod & jb


Rules Information

How do you determine your score when you didn't hole out? Check out this video for the answer.




Proceeds collected during the Gunung Geulis and Pondok Cabe tournaments will go to support the ANZA Student Sponsorship Program. More details about the program can be found on our Charity page.


If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to

WhatsApp Groups

We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to



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