Hail the D.O.G.S.!!!!!

So, we came to our final round at the ever-challenging Jakarta Golf Club with still all to play for in the race for the Blue Jacket. Slightly down on numbers this week with 27 players set to enjoy the good weather and good course conditions. We have averaged 40 players for each of the 6 weeks with only one week where we were largely washed out.
A few guests this week and some faces we haven't seen for a while, so, a big welcome to Alejandro Gonzales, Dian Sari, Paul Eckhardt and Tanya Nielsen - hope to see all again in the future!
So, to the play: The lower handicappers seemed to have the upper hand this week with Nic Verdenal and Roger Finnie taking the Nearest to the Pin prizes and Richard Mau and Marcelo De Jesus also showing their accuracy in taking the Drive & Pitch honours. Emil Marcelo and Nic again kept their drives in the fairway and out of the trees taking the Longest Drive prizes - Nic with his new "Mini Driver"!
Jude Alexander mastered the rather soft greens due to some overnight rain becoming this week's Putting Champion. Albert Smith reluctantly accepted the Cricket Bat for this week's Booby Prize with a fairly respectable points tally. Paul Eckhardt - long time no see - saw more of the course than most, winning the Most Exercise Trophy - our apologies to Paul Barnett who was erroneously awarded this honour - -please can we have the trophy back Paul so we can make sure the other Paul gets it....sorry mate!
Richard Mau was in the winners circle again taking this week's Low Gross - interesting to note that nobody broke 80 over the six weeks - very unusual!
It took a count back to separate the top 2 players this week with Emil Marcelo having to settle for the Runner Up slot leaving way for Roger Finnie to win the Weekly Champion Little Dog.
So, we came to the race for the Big Dog and Blue Jacket. With Richard needing birdies only to improve and the chasing pack having a few bogies to try and convert. Could he hold on to his lead? There was a late charge from Roger Finnie who jumped up a place but in the end the rivals only jockeyed around their own positions and didn't seem to put Richard under any real pressure. Jude and Roger did take the Mini Dogs for 3rd and Runner up places but Richard Mau won his second Blue Jacket - his first one was way back in 2007 at Jababeka!
A big congratulations to all our winners this week! You can check out the full standings so far here.
We think everyone agrees JGC was a considerable challenge, and we deserve a reward after finishing; thus we have carefully selected a fantastic course to follow up. Our next venue is a masterpiece of stunning natural beauty which emphasizes the layout’s abundance of mature vegetation and natural hazards to create a refreshing game of golf.
Spaces are already going fast so please sign up as soon as possible so you don't miss out. If you have a group you would like to play with let Rod know your preferred playing partners and make sure you have confirmed that your preferred playing partners are their preferred playing partners!
Where: Klub Golf Bogor Raya
When: Saturday, 10 August 2024
Tee Off: 12:00
Green Fee: 1.100.000 IDR w/cart
To register:
See you all on the course.
Rod & jb
Rules Information
Movable Obstructions and Loose Impediments; what are they and how can you take relief? Check out this video to find out.
Bogor Raya Charity
Donations collected during our Bogor Raya tournament will be to support Pondok Al Wafa an orphanage that adopts abandoned children and educates them from throughout Indonesia. More information can be found on our Charity Page.
If you would like to purchase a D.O.G.S. shirt please get in touch with John Brown or send an email to jakartadogs@gmail.com
WhatsApp Groups
We have 2 WhatsApp groups for members; our Chatter group which is used for sharing jokes and non-D.O.G.S. related information and our Updates group where we share information specific to D.O.G.S. rounds. If you would like to be added to either or both of these groups please send us an email with your cell phone number to jakartadogs@gmail.com