Hail the DOGS n Bitches!!!
No Traffic, No rain and an early start again.... 45 cards handed in keep up the great support for the DOGS!!
For the 22 players who stayed long enough for the prize giving, JUDI & ED HELSING contributed 2 door prizes, Thank you kindly.
Paul Preston really needed another bottle of Brandy!!! Phil Morey stated he would be the winner before his name was even drawn out (clairvoyant).
Judi and Ed are leaving for Texas and Judi was able to leave on a high by being presented with her trophy that she won last week for Weekly Champion 45pts!!
This Weeks Champion (OCB), back from being the Bobby Prize winner, Greg Fields with 39pts and he also took the Best gross with 83 off the stick!!!
Runner up prize with the same points 39 J Rock Jeremy Halma.
Well done to Ian Smith for improving this week by actually getting a par unlike last weeks clean sheet LOL!!
Nice to see a couple of the HOGS Harry Hill and Edwin Theiroff where's the rest of the Wild HOGS to make up numbers for a DOGS n HOGS day??
Our Austrian & German DOGS were so early off the tee this week, that they'd finished 9 holes before the last flight even started!!! Thank you for contributing your prizes back to the group for being OB at the prize giving....!!!
2 rounds left of this Eclectic Championship and I think our Italian DOG has started sizing up his Blue Jacket and making space for his center piece BIG DOG!!! Max Massimilliano Belli has continued for the 4th week to keep the Top Dog slot and best gross 4.
As our El Presidente would say "Get off the couch and make a decision to join THE WAY WE GOLF" bring your friends.
Penultimate round at Rancamaya Golf and Country Club
Date: SATURDAY 12th July
Tee Time: 11.30 or asap
Fee: 580.000 net
If you plan to join us this weekend, Kindly let us know "BEFORE" 12.00 Midday Friday 11th so we can prepare score cards.
FINAL ROUND: 6. Sunday, 20th July