D.O.G.S. & TeeSet Weekend
The D.O.G.S. and Tee Set weekend which includes a barbecue dinner and competition for the coveted Juergen Degert Trophy will be March 22nd & 23rd at Rancamaya.
Registration for both games can be done in myGolf2u or via website.
The itinerary for the weekend is as follows:
Saturday, March 22:
11:00 - Registration open
12:00 - Tee off D.O.G.S. final round of Eclectic and D.O.G.S vs Tee Set Match Play
18:30 - Barbecue Party and Prize Awards
Dinner cost Rp 310,000++ per person, payable to the club upon registration or on the night.
Non-playing guests are welcome and encouraged. Please RSVP to Rod Williams or jakartadogs@gmail.com so we have an accurate number for catering.
Guests are encouraged to bring beverages they want to consume or share.
Sunday, March 23:
11:00 - Registration
12:00 - Charity golf day to benefit Panti Asuhan Kristen Karena Doa orphanage
Registration via myGof2u. Notify Rod of your team.
200,000 IDR Match fee which goes to our charity for the day
4 Person Vegas Scramble
Men from White Tees, Ladies from Red
Each player is assigned a number from 1 to 4
All players Tee Off
After all players hit tee shot, someone in the group rolls a dice.
Drive used is from the player who's number is rolled.
If a 5 is rolled, roll again. If a 6 is rolled up, choose any player's shot
Rest of hole is played as a normal scramble.
Repeat process on each hole.
Double bogey is maximum allowable score. Pick up and move to next hole once you are putting or hitting for bogey.
For players wishing to stay onsite overnight, the R Hotel is situated right next door to the course and it’s a short walk from lobby to lobby. Additionally, there are many other options for accommodation nearby at various levels of pricing. Due to the expected numbers, players are encouraged to book early.
As always, non-playing guests are most welcome, and encouraged, to attend the party on Saturday evening.